A working list of stuff I love
Trader Joe’s Almond Butter Salted Roasted Almonds
The Calderone Club Special pizza from Downtown Milwaukee
Morgan Wallen’s song “Everything I Love”
Getting a text from a friend you haven’t seen in years
Vornado fans — trust me they are the best
Speaking of fans — sleeping with a fan on in a cool bedroom
Blueberries in peak ripeness from Michigan
That I had quality time with my grandparents
Walk-up windows where you can buy coffee, like the Stone Creek Cafe on Downer Avenue on Milwaukee’s East Side
Reading from Norman Vincent Peale first thing each morning
High School basketball and football games — especially when you know one or more of the players
The love and kindness of my family
“The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield
Voluntary competition with the chaos in all of our lives
American flags flying at houses
Real Sports with Bryant Gumble on HBO (sad that it’s ended its long run)
Great group texts
Extra crispy bacon
Warm lemon water — the first drink of each morning
Seeing old teachers and thanking them
5K runs at night through city streets
Crisp, organic honey crisp apples
The Snooze brand sound machine
Decaf green tea, with a little honey
The cameos on the Showtime series “Billions”
Celebrating what’s good in our hearts
Zocalo Food Truck Park in Milwaukee
Encountering great compatibility with someone you just met
When good art shakes you alive
A dog that’s overly happy to see its owner
My favorite hoodie, and finding new hoodies that I love
The network of people in my life
Seeing photos of your parents when they were babies
When that pimple you’ve had forever finally clears up
Watching High School football, under the lights, on Friday nights
Finding the best family-owned diner in a small town
A perfectly executed pick-and-roll
Listening to your grandparents talk about the “old days”
Sunrises over Lake Michigan
Going back to your college campus — and just walking through it
Anything Marquette Basketball!
The first batch of chili in the fall
Warm wool socks, but the good wool socks — not sure what brand — but you can tell the difference
Cinnamon sugar, on top of butter on a slice of bread
Comparing your baby photo with one of a parent
Friends, I’ve known forever
Sunshine, first thing in the morning
High-quality, freshly popped popcorn
Seat warmers in cars
Calvin and Hobbes comics
Long, deep breaths
Farmers markets
Nasal saline solution
Peppermint lifesavers
Glide Pro-Health Deep Clean floss
Dr. Bronner’s Peppermint All-One Toothpaste
“The Christmas Train” Hallmark Channel movie
Seeing your kids thrive
The sound of a swoosh on a new basketball net
When technology just works and is easy to use
Never paying to park in a lot — or, at least trying your hardest not to
100 Grand bars on trick-or-treat day
Seeing an old friend and catching up
Text messages from older relatives that contain a bunch of random emojis
That first of the winter smell from the furnace
The hot salsa at Chipotle