Member-only story
Life Flip: cereal
At some point, your life will flip. Either you will take action to create change, or something — like a global pandemic — will flip your life for you. Either way, it’s OK. So, let’s embrace life’s flips, and learn and grow from them. Now, allow me to suggest a flip for us to embrace today.
We all love cereal, right? It’s easy, readily available and is made with seemingly everything.
But as you search the cereal or fill your online carts do you find yourself always grabbing the same brand? Why not flip it? Try organic cereal. Go old school with Life, Rice Krispies or my Dad’s favorite Grape Nuts. Try something healthy like Love Grown Original Power O’s.
My point, try a new cereal brand this week. Why not — you might just find something you really love.
Let me know what you try.