Does greater good make you squirm?
Recently on Twitter, Patrick O’Shaughnessy asked “What thing, bigger than and beyond yourself, are you committed to and in service of?”
I loved the question and his framing that when asked, it “makes most people squirm.”
O’Shaughnessy is one of the founding partners of Colossus, a company on “mission is to be the leading destination to learn about business and investing.” I don’t know him, but his question generated hundreds of responses. He answered the question this way, “Finding and enabling live players in the world. Supporting with capital and distribution and a sparring partner. A sort of aspirational “professor x” type of role.”
For me, there are many “easy” answers to this question. Community, family, my faith, and, more specifically, the many organizations and entities I work to support and promote daily.
I’ve always strived to synch work and life so being “bigger than and beyond” self is a part of who I am. Some days, maybe too much of a part of me, other days, not enough.
Regardless, I feel more people are of service to something other than themselves here in the Midwest. We lack pretense, feel for our neighbors and care about the future. There’s a difference to greater good here.
If the question of service beyond self makes you squirm — ask yourself why and be open to being more curious about it. Because no matter where you live, you should ask yourself this question often. It shouldn’t make you squirm — it should drive you to take smart risks that move you, your business, your family, and your community forward.